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Roo Roofing Blog


It’s no secret that Brisbane and South East Queensland can get very hot in summer. If you don’t have air conditioning or ceiling fans, your home can get very hot and stuffy inside.

Home renovation has been a huge trend these past few years, but what if you’re running out of space to make that dream home office or guest room you’ve been planning? First, look at what you already have, chancers are you might already have more than enough space than you first thought. In this post, if you’re considering renovating your attic, we talk about some factors to consider and show you some inspirations for attic conversions that truly make use of untapped roof space.

The Inuits of Canada were onto something when they first got into insulating their homes. Icy domes, also known as igloos, enabled the comfort and warmth of up to 16 degrees Celsius - doesn’t sound too warm but putting it perspective, outside temperatures got as cold as -45 degrees Celsius! Tracing back through history, we can see these homes as one of the first shelters that considered insulation. Constructed from whalebone and hides these homes paved the way for modern technology to catapult homes in both colder and warmer regions to provide optimal conditions to live in. Insulation keeps the heat outside during summer, and helps to trap valuable warmth indoors when it’s freezing outside, this lessens the need for any additional heating or cooling.

Renovation TV shows have long been a favourite among Australians, offering inspiration, entertainment, and practical tips for transforming homes.

Queensland is a wonderful place to live. Queenslanders enjoy a subtropical climate, with moderately warm and sometimes even hot weather for most of the year. But due to its size there can be quite a variation of the climate across the state.

It’s easy to think that a roof is always a roof, and that residential and commercial roofs are pretty much the same thing, just on a different scale. But the truth is there are quite a few differences between residential and commercial roofs. In this post, we share some the main differences between these two different types.

Asbestos - we know it’s bad and if it’s in your home or workplace you should get rid of it but by who? What is it really? When should you get rid of it? Why? Where does it go? There are a hundred Who, What, When, Where and Why Questions, and in this post we want to get down to the bottom of asbestos for you. 

At Roo Roofing, we believe a roof restoration is not complete without the right gutters, soffits, fascias, and downpipes to complement your roof. In this post, we talk about fascias, soffits, and roof carpentry and how they can extend your roof’s life cycle.

Summer has already started and if it the reports anything to go by, this year will be a scorcher. With the temperatures rising, many of us are going to head indoors, preferably with some aircon going on. While a cool could certainly be attained by turning your roof into a green roof, there also other ways to have a "cool" roof. In this post, we share some of the factors on how to keep your roof cool.