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Roo Roofing Blog


Australia, with its abundant bushland and leafy suburbs has its fair share of wildlife. And it’s common for creatures to live in or regularly visit our backyards…

Whether you’re building a new home or looking to renovate, you’ll be thinking about the type of roof to install.

Unfortunately, it’s a question professional builders and homeowners have had to deal with for over 50 years…

Not all roof leaks were created equal in home insurance. Whether you’re researching what you can claim just in case, or you actually have a leaking roof, knowing where you stand in regard to your home insurance is important.

If there’s a great view to be enjoyed from a rooftop in Australia, you can bet it has a bar attached to it. And you can also bet the view contains an impressive city or water view or perhaps a bit of both.

Your roof stands between the exterior world and your valuable interior contents, serving as a barrier against rain, wind, hail, and debris.

Travel around Australia and not only will you be amazed by the amazing scenery and landscapes but also by the numerous architecture and landmarks that spot along the cities that mark their place. In this post, we share some of Australia’s most beautiful Heritage buildings to inspire you.

There’s a lot of pressure on work forces across Australia right now due the outbreak of Covid-19. The building industry, in particular, is under a lot of stress; but we want you to know that we will continue to serve our customers as best as we possibly can. Just as we have in other times of crisis across Australia, we will continue to provide a professional standard of service to all our customers in the Brisbane Region and its surrounds.

Living in Queensland, we're all aware of the extreme weather conditions we can get. It can be windy as anything one day, then perfectly calm the next with super sunny weather.

Last year we touched on Colorbond roof replacements and now we continue to explore why they are so popular. We want to remind our readers just why Colorbond roofs are the number one metal roof choice. Colorbond roofs are able to mimic other roof styles, while still being lightweight, sturdy and highly resilient given our Australian weather.