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Roo Roofing Blog



Top Tips for Maintaining Your Chimney


A lot of newer houses have the benefit of reverse cycle air conditioning or internal heating, but before that people used fireplaces to heat their homes.

The only problem with fireplaces is that they produce a lot of byproducts, like ash and smoke, and without proper maintenance, these can start to affect the integrity of your fireplace and chimney.

As it gets cooler in Brisbane, now’s the time to start cranking that fire. But before you do, it’s a good idea to inspect your fireplace and chimney inside and out and make sure they're in good working order.

Here’s some maintenance top tips:

From the inside

  • Start with a simple clean by removing ash from the fireplace. You should never let the ashes build up to a depth of over 2 inches. Scoop the ash out into a bucket delicately, so the ash doesn’t disperse. You could use a dustpan as your scoop. Ash can be added to a compost pile or in your backyard.

  • Remove soot or fire stains in and around the fire box by spraying with hot soapy water. Let it sit on the surface for about 30 minutes, then scrub off with a stiff wire brush.

From the outside

Maintaining from the outside is a bit more difficult. It’s often best to get professional cleaners to do the dirty work for you. But there are a few things you can check for yourself with roof maintenance:

  • Check that the cap covering to top of the flue opening is in good condition and that it hasn’t become clogged with leaves or other debris.

  • A wire screen across your chimney will keep debris and animals from getting inside. (Birds, possums, and other animals may build nests inside when it is not used frequently.)

  • Check the surrounding surface area, like the mortar between bricks - if this becomes cracked or flaky, you could have an issue with your chimney.

  • Also look at the flashing where the chimney meets the roof. Make sure it’s sealed tightly and has no damage or cracks.