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Roo Roofing Blog


Winter is here! While it might not snow here in Brisbane, or anywhere in Queensland, it can still get cold during winter. The all time low in Brisbane was recorded in 2014 at a mere 2.6 degress Celsius - luckily it’s not like that often, but can average during July around 15 degrees Celsius, and nights a cool 8 degrees Celsius. Also fortunately the cold months are only few here - so what can you do to your home to keep warm in winter but still cool in summer? Yep, that’s right - insulation. In this post, we talk about the different types of roof insulation materials.

Did you know that gutters don’t just help drain water on your roofs but can also act as another line of bushfire defence?

In this post, we talk about your gutter systems when combined with a sprinkler system can help protect not only your roof but your home as well.

Call them pergolas, pagodas, mini outdoor bungalows...for the purpose of this blog we’ll just refer to them as pergolas, but whatever you name them, these outdoor living spaces are more than just something to add to the aesthetics to your home and backyard. They’re also great features all on their own, allowing owners to relax outdoors in a space that is inviting, comfortable and offers privacy. In this post, we share some photos to inspire you when designing your own pergolas.


Roof slope is a very important aspect of a roof and is also considered one of the the primary factors in roof design. In this post, we focus on roof slopes and what they might mean for your home.

You think it’s time to replace your roof, you go to have a meeting about it, and you’re a little overwhelmed, there’s a lot more to a roof than the eyes can see. How many hips will your roof feature? What about the substrate? What slope do you want yout think you want your new roof to have? You hear a lot of terms that you might not yet understand, in this post we share a glossary of some of the most common but important terms when it comes to your roof to help you get the roof you really want and need.

Insulation is one the most effective ways to improve the energy efficiency of a home. Insulation acts as a barrier to heat flow. Cellulose Fibre Insulators consist of recycled newspaper pulp mixed with borax and boric acid. In this post, we take a closer look at the most efficient on the market and our preferred insulation material - Cellulose Fibre. Why? Well, read on as we share some of the benefits of having Roo Roofing Cellulose Fibre as an insulator for your roof.

When you think about staying cool inside, the first thing that may come to mind is air conditioning. But the first real line of defense against heat is the roof above your head. A good roof means it releases and doesn’t store or absorb the heat from the sun. In this post, we share our top list for roofing materials for warmer climates like ours here in Australia.

Choosing and installing a fire resistant gutter guard can make all the difference to your home. In this post, we share how fire resistant gutter guards could help save your home and some simple maintenance ideas to keep your roof leaf-free.

Beautiful, big eyes stare at you and you can’t help but melt a little. But at the same time, you’re really tired. Exhausted might even be a more apt description. You’ve been up for the past few nights listening to the scurrying around in your roof and those eyes are exactly the source - can you guess what we’re talking about? Yep, possums.

In this post, we share some ways to stop possum proof your roof without hurting them (remember they are a protected species).

When it comes to choosing the right type of roof for your home, there are a lot of different things to take into consideration.

If you're finding yourself in this current dilemma when it comes to choosing between a tiled roof or a metal roof, we've put together a selection of points that you can look at to help you make up your mind. What we can say is that regardless of which style you ultimately go for, both are great choices.