DIY Renovation Mistakes to Avoid
Do it yourself renovations have certainly grown in popularity throughout the years here in Australia, and with it the “what not to do's have become more well-known.
So whether you’re renovating in the hopes of making a pretty penny or simply to make your home more welcoming, here are ten mistakes you best avoid.
1. Not planning
It is vital to have a plan when looking into renovating a property, especially if it’s a full-scale makeover. Be sure to have a layout of what you’re renovating, how you expect it to look as an end product, and that you’re measurements are correct. One little mistake can unravel a great renovation. Without a plan, you’re guaranteed to make countless errors.
2. Budgeting incorrectly
Along with planning, you have to make sure you budget your renovations. It’s better to overestimate the costs than to be too conservative. Typically the costs will exceed your expectations, so you need back-up money. You also need to budget for any possible contingencies that could occur. Every expense MUST be accounted for.
3. Gutting everything
A mistake renovators can make when making over a house for sale is to gut everything. They remove walls, break down benches... Why? Some of the things that are already in the house may work very well as they are. Also, by taking it easy on the mass destruction you will also be saving yourself some costs.
4. Cheap materials
Keen-eyed individuals will know when you’re using cheap materials. If you’re wanting to give your house worth, don’t cut corners with materials. Not just a matter of expense, cheap materials can also be dangerous in comparison to quality materials.
5. Wrong tools
You wouldn’t use a hammer to paint, right? It may sound like a silly example but it’s a valid point. Using the wrong tools for the job - even if they’re only slightly wrong - is not good.
6. Wrong paint
Make sure that the colours you choose complement the overall aesthetic of the house. Using the wrong colour can really be off-putting and turn your house into an ugly duckling.
7. Not taking advantage of lighting
Unless you’re planning to live the life of a film noir protagonist, lighting - whether natural or artificial - is important to a good home. You want the home to feel comfortable and inviting, and natural lighting goes a great distance to achieve this. A home with good lighting also feels more spacious.
8. Obsessing over trends
Trends could also be called fads. They come and go fairly quickly. Too many renovators become obsessed with making their house look trendy and ahead of its time. What you want is a house with an aesthetic look that will last beyond fading trends.
9. Excessive building
So you’re renovating a house to sell it a higher price? That makes sense, but don’t overbuild. If you’re in a neighbourhood where the market average is around $400,000, you don’t want to be spending $600,000 on renovating an expecting to sell it for $800,000. It’s unrealistic.
10. Performing tasks you aren’t an expert at
As much as you may want your DIY renovation to be DIY, there are some things you simply can’t do yourself. Things such as wiring and plumbing must be done by a professional. Additionally, if you don’t have the knowledge for a task, don’t do it. Call in the professionals. For example, if you wanted to restore your roof, you’d call a professional like Roo Roofing.
So the next time you decide to perform some DIY works on your home, make sure you’re not making these mistakes. They could cost you time, money and your well being.
* Image source: FreeDigitalPhotos.net