On occasion, there may be circumstances that will require you to head up onto the roof. When doing so, doing everything possible to keep you and others safe is of the utmost importance. In today's article, we've listed five key points to remember when spending some time up there.
The roof is not typically a place many people spend their time, so having someone with you when you venture up there isn't just a good idea - it's an absolute must. Because if you happen to slip or injure yourself while up there, you need someone who can come to your aid or even save you from a fatal fall.
We strongly advise investing in a safety harness. This is one of the most sure-fire ways of ensuring that if a slip does occur while on the roof, you won't fall all the way off. Properly secure the harness to yourself and a solid surface where it will effectively click in. By doing this, you won't have a dangerous (and potentially fatal) fall, and it will be easier for those accompanying you to pull you back up.
A ladder is your key means of getting on to the roof, and when we're looking at homes that sit at two or three levels high, that ladder needs to be properly secured. Place the ladder on a level surface and make sure it is properly secured. If placed in the garden, dig a hole where the ladder's feet can catch in and remain secure. If on a path or deck, secure it by attaching a board behind the legs. We also recommend a ladder stabliser, which you can attach to the top and/or bottom of the ladder.
No matter what material your roof is made of, it can be slippery. That's why it is so important to ensure you're wearing some type of footwear with a solid amount of grip. We strongly advise against walking on the roof without well-gripped footwear, and under no circumstances should you wear thongs (jandals, flip-flops, or whatever you may call them).
Sometimes there are moments when it's simply better to not go up on the roof. One example would be if the roof is currently covered in water (from rain or you having recently hosed it down) or if there are some strong winds that have the potential to knock you or others off with enough force. Be sensible. Go up on days where the weather is calm and when there isn't water on the roof. Also know when your roof is unstable. If it has sustained noticeable damage, it may not be the best idea to set foot on it.
ROOF CONSULTATION79 Cambridge Street, Coorparoo Brisbane QLD 4151
QBCC Lic. #1147373 Master Builders 64246