Choosing and installing a fire resistant gutter guard can make all the difference to your home. In this post, we share how fire resistant gutter guards could help save your home and some simple maintenance ideas to keep your roof leaf-free.
According to the Country Fire Authority (2010), who have extensive experience with Australian fires, the main cause of house fires during a bush fire is from ember attack. According to CFA, over 85% of fires around Australia that destroy homes are started this way. Embers are created when burning parts of trees, for example twigs, branches and leaves, and other matter get picked up in the wind. Embers can then lodge themselves onto houses and quickly start a house fire.
Embers from a bush fire are also the primary cause of spot fires, which contribute to the continued spread of a bush fire. Fire embers can travel in the air for up to 4 or 5 kilometres, depending on wind strength. An large open roof with a slope that runs down to a cluttered gutter full of dry leaves is one of the most common scenarios for a house to catch ablaze during a bush fire.
By installing these, you can prevent leaves collecting in gutters, and stop airborne embers from collecting in guttering systems.
Gutter guards generally come in two types of material - metal or plastic. If you live in a bush fire prone area, it would be best to use metal gutter guards as they provide better protection and resilience from embers. At Roo Roofing, we choose to use Colorbond® gutter guards, its ZINCALUME® steel base is fire-resistant, comply with Australian Standard, and are very durable - perfect for South East Queensland’s tropical climate.
To maintain your gutter guards, use a brush or blower to clean them every so often to remove all the leaves and debris that may be blocking them. After, use a garden hose to flush out your gutters and downpipes to make sure they’re not blocked. Remember to also regularly clean leaves off your roof and don't let them decompose - as they break down the decomposed leaves will block up the gutter guards.
ROOF CONSULTATION79 Cambridge Street, Coorparoo Brisbane QLD 4151
QBCC Lic. #1147373 Master Builders 64246