Do you have porous roof tiles?
Porous roof tiles. Over time, almost any type of tiled roof (terracotta, concrete, etc.) will end up this way. While it will take a long time for this to happen, it's important to be aware of the problems that can come with porous tiles. Whether it's the fact that tiles become more susceptible to accumulating dirt and other grit or the very real dangers that exist as they weaken, here are some of the most key things to remember with porous roof tiles.
Porous tiles, much like the pores on our skin, can collect dirt. The more your roof tiles age, the more likely it is they will become porous. With these littles cracks and gaps, dirt and other airborne grit can settle into your tiles. This not only can lead to an aesthetic issue of your roof looking dirty, but the longer dirt is in your tiles, the more damage it can do - especially when combined with rain. The coarseness of the dirt can contribute to your tiles becoming even more porous and, over time, could contribute to the formation of roof leaks.
As you no doubt guessed, a porous tile is going to be weaker than a tile that's in good condition. After all, the increase in holes and little cracks compromise the overall integrity of the tile, making it more susceptible to breaking or further damage. As the porosity of your tiles increase, things such as storms, strong winds or you walking on them could cause the tiles to completely break apart.
Roof leaks
Whether it's dirt, strong weather conditions, you walking on your tiles, or anything else that could place pressure on porous roof tiles, over time the tiles could become damaged enough that water could seep through and leak into your home. Roof leaks are serious as they not only weaken your roof, but can damage your roof frame, your ceiling space, ceiling and walls. What may start off as a minor porous roof tile can become a very real problem down the road.
Porous roof tiles can break under your feet. They can also cause roof leaks and play a role in the formation of algae and/or mould, which can be bad for your health. When severe weather hits, porous tiles can break apart and potentially become hazardous projectiles. This is usually when tiles have reached a high level of porosity, but the risks are important to note.
Home value
If you're looking to sell, porous tiles can impact on the value of your home. The more an agent believes your home may require repairs, the more inclined they will be to either a) give your home a lower value or b) struggle to sell your home at a higher price. For prospective buyers, they will take every repair job into account. How much will they have to spend on the roof to get it properly fixed? If the cost of repairs are too steep, they may look elsewhere for a home that may be a little more expensive outright, but doesn't need any jobs done to it once purchased.
Do you think your roof tiles may be in need of repairs and/or a replacement? Give Roo Roofing a call on 1300 734 148.