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Make your own private oasis with privacy plants

No doubt most of us enjoy our moments of privacy, especially when we're in the comfort of our own home. Whether inside or outside, it can be annoying if you have neighbours who can be far too nosey. Even if your neighbours aren't nosey, knowing that they may have a vantage point from which they can look inside your home or outdoor living space can be off-putting. One way of making your home more private is through privacy plants.

Privacy plants refer to any type of plant that can grow with some notable height and thickness to help obscure the view of your property from the outside. The reason many consider plants is not just because they help create privacy, but they do so while also making your property feel more welcoming and natural.

goodbye-neighbours-lillyAn example of the 'Goodbye Neighbours' lilly pilly (Image Source).


Deciding on privacy plants

There are a host of plants that can help provide privacy for your home; so no matter where you live, there is always some natural privacy solution available to you.

Murraya paniculata

As an evergreen plant, murraya paniculata is a great option for the coastal climates in Australia. If you live along the coastal areas of the country or anywhere in Tasmania, then this an option you can make use of. Murraya typicaly grows anywhere between 3 to 4 metres in height, which means it's great at providing privacy from a ground level basis. It may not be the best option if you have a high-set / two-storey home, but it can certainly help out for a number of different areas.

If you have a very specific area in your front or backyard you want concealed from passers-by, you can arrange a border of murraya paniculata and essentially create a walled garden.

Lilly pillies

Lilly pillies are a fantastic option when it comes to privacy. Not only do they suit all climates throughout Australia (though how well they survive can depend on the species), but they can come in a variety of heights. In fact, there are a selection of newer lilly pillies that can grow to specific heights, meaning you won't need to spend much time pruning them. 

There's Hot Flush, which grows up to 3 metres; Little Gem, which grows between 2 to 3 metres; and Goodbye Neighbours, which grows up to 10 metres in height. As the name of the latter suggests, Goodbye Neighbours is a fantastic option for optimal privacy, especially if you live in a high-set or two-storey home. Another positive is that most species of lilly pillies also grow quite quickly.


Bamboo is an incredibly versatile, fast-growing plant and can be a great option when it comes to creating privacy. In the past, bamboo has faced a bit of a bad reputation due to overgrowing and being considered somewhat invasive. There are various species of bamboo, however, from running to clumping. It's the former, running bamboo, which can grow aggressively and spread out to other areas. Clumping bamboo, however, is far more manageable and has comparatively limited growth. This, in turns, helps keep it from being invasive.

clumping-bamboo-exampleAn example of clumping bamboo. This species is known as Fargesia robusta, which does tend to grow higher than other forms of clumping bamboo (Image Source).

Clumping bamboo is a great option if you want to create a smaller privacy screen for your property. If you were to go with running bamboo, you'd need to be vigilant and ensure you regularly cut it back and prevent it from spreading to neighbouring properties. Be mindful, however, that in some areas running bamboo may be illegal to use. In fact, the lawsuits that have eventuated in some cases has led to certain government bodies banning the growing of all forms of bamboo.

If you're interested in bamboo, we strongly suggest reading up on whether or not you can use a particular type in your property. If it's outright banned, then you're unlikely to find to find it at hardware stores or garden nurseries, anyway. Also remember that most bamboo grows best in warmer, tropical climates.

Sweet viburnum

Last but not least, there's sweet viburnum. The plant grows as a dense hedge, which means it blocks views effectively. With a max height usually sitting somewhere between 3 and 4 metres, it's similarly great for ground level privacy like murraya paniculata. Sweet viburnum also works well in most parts of Australia, with the exception of some inland areas within south Queensland, NSW, Victoria, and Tasmania.
