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Roo Roofing Blog



Bright lights: the benefits of skylights in your home

Have you ever considered having skylights installed in your home but have never been able to take that final step?

While they do certainly require a bit of time and money to have installed, the benefits are certainly worth it. Whether you look at it from a design perspective or one to do with your own well being, here are some of the key perks that come with having a skylight or two in your home.


The natural lighting from skylights is good for your health

Natural sunlight plays an integral role in our overall health, both in a physical and mental manner. For example, natural sunlight helps ensure that our bodies produce vitamin D, which has been linked to helping prevent mood swings and depression. Without enough natural lighting, we can also suffer from eye fatigue, heacahes and possible negative effects to our immune system. This is because natural lighting helps stimulate faster recovery from illness.

In terms of focus, a more natural, even lighting can help stimulate the mind. Of course, we rely on bright lighting to really stay awake, but natural bright lighting trumps bright artificial lighting. At night, the soft dark glow of the night sky can be beneficial as dim illumination helps quiet our senses and make us drowsy. If ever the night sky is too bright (e.g. when there's a full moon), sky lights can have retractable covers installed to block out this light - the same goes for if certain days are simply too hot to have the sun shining directly through.

Increased appeal, reduced energy consumption

Along with the way natural lighting can simply make your home a happier place to live, it also brings some genuine design appeal to your abode. Good lighting, particularly that of the natural variety, makes your home feel more spacious. Because instead of there being awkwardly darkened corners throughout the house, the natural light permeates it and makes more rooms, nooks and crannies feel more expansive.

On the energy front, skylights can be particularly beneficial during winter. With more room for the sun to get in, it naturally means more warmth will get in, as well. Granted, this same level of sunlight during summer could be a bit much, especially in the more humid parts of Australia, but this can always be addressed with the aforementioned retractable covers/shutters. But if you can keep your home naturally warm in the winter than having to rely on a heater or reverse cycle air conditioner, you can save some much needed money along the way.

In the long run, skylights could also add value to your home should you ever decide to sell.
