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Roo Roofing Blog



7 Way To Bring the Outside Into Your Home

Who doesn’t love to be in nature? Australian's are big on spending time outdoors and "getting amongst it" as the saying goes. There are plenty of ways you can bring the joy of being outside into your home. Not only is it a great way to bring life and ambience to your home, but it's also known for creating a more calming atmosphere. 

Eco-psychologists call this “biophilia”. A concept coined by Edward O. Wilson in 1984, biophilia refers to a human’s innate longing to connect with nature and other life forms. But it’s not just about how we connect with nature; it’s also about how that connection makes us happier as human beings.

However, as more and more people flock to urban environments, it's becoming much harder to get close to nature. While taking vacations can be a great way to achieve this, it's not feasible for everyone to take one regularly.

The next best thing? Bringing a little of the outside in, so you can feel surrounded by nature (even in the middle of the city).

Create natural interiors

Even in a city like Brisbane, it can be a challenge to get close to nature all the time. So if you can’t be close to nature, why not bring nature close to you?

So how can you create natural interiors? Follow the 7 tips to bring the outside inside your home or workplace.

1. Surround yourself with indoor plants

Using plants is a great and affordable way to decorate your interiors naturally. If you don’t have a lot of space, say if you're in an apartment, you can find plenty of hanging plants and smaller potted plants that will add a bit of green. If you have more space, consider having a variety of plant sizes, from larger ones like the Fiddle Leaf Fig to put on the floor, to smaller pot plants and succulents to put at different heights on shelves and tables.

If you have the wall space, a vertical garden is a great way to add plenty of greenery, but not take up too much floor space in your home or on your balcony.

Indoor plants are not just decorative; many of them also have air-purifying properties, as well as a calming effect. Artificial plants on the other hand may look realistic, but they won't provide you with any of the benefits of the real deal. 

2. Use natural material

Apart from plants, wood also evokes natural vibes. It could be wooden walls, wooden floors, tree trunk stools, timber tables, bamboo furniture, or driftwood pieces. Not to mention other wooden furniture like bookshelves, cabinets, wardrobes, headrests, and coffee tables.

Wood is not the only natural material either. Stone, clay, paper, hemp—all of these can be used to beautiful effect. With their innate natural qualities, these materials can replace concrete, metal, and other harsher, modern materials.

3. Apply nature’s colours

Greens, browns, blues, floral tones - there are plenty of colours that evoke nature. Use these throughout your home, from wall paints to furniture, decorations and curtains, it's easy to add a bit of natural colour. 

4. Allow air flow and play nature’s sounds

There are many indoor features that use flowing water to create an ambient sound, or devices that play background sounds that mimic those from nature. These can mask traffic noises and buzzing sounds from modern appliances. For natural ventilation, open the windows to let the breeze in from the outside. Also, consider using fans instead of air conditioners.

5. Choose the right artwork

Decorative pieces also affect your perception. For instance, if you’re an ocean lover but you’re nowhere near the sea, hang some photos or paintings of seascapes, or display your collection of beach treasures. Aquariums, terrariums, nature-themed wallpapers, and fabrics made of natural fibre will also help create a natural ambience.

6. Take advantage of natural lighting

Open curtains and blinds to take advantage of the sun’s natural lighting (only if the weather isn't too hot!). For many people, sunlight improves mood. Another way to allow natural lighting in is to install a skylight in your roof or larger windows to let light pass through.

7. Connect to the outdoors

Biophilic design is not only integrating nature’s elements inside, it also involves creating semi-outdoor zones to connect the interiors to the outside. Whether it's having a little garden or larger plants on your balcony, or alternatively, you can build a patio, veranda, or a gazebo for outdoor entertaining.

Bring the outside inside

The opportunity to enjoy the scenery beyond your windows or the chance to live close to nature is not something everyone can do. This is especially true if you're in a urban environment like Brisbane or other cities of Australia.

The good thing is you can make the most out of what you have right now. By going through these tips, you can bring outside elements inside to create natural interiors. And that casual, laid-back, natural living you've been wanting to have...let's just say it is well within your reach.




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