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Roo Roofing Blog



5 Hazards To Look Out For When On Your Roof

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When you’re on your roof or in your ceiling you are surrounded by hazards, even without realising.


Every time you get on your roof, you need to be aware of what’s around you and what is a potential risk.

Here’s the top 5 hazards to look out for:

1. Electrical wires

Your roof and ceiling is full of electrical wires and overhead service lines. We’ve all seen the Energex ads; these wires are highly dangerous and should be avoided at all times. 

Make sure you know where you wires and service lines are before doing any work. That way you can plan your placement better and be more aware of your surroundings.


2. Harsh weather

It goes without saying that you shouldn’t be on your roof in a storm. Not only are you more at risk of lightning strike, but the low visibility and slippery surfaces make for a dangerous combination.

If you’re up there in the sun, you also need to avoid heatstroke and sunburn. Wear sun protective clothing, sunscreen, and drink water frequently. You will be exposed to direct light and potentially the intense reflection bouncing off the surfaces, so take it easy.


3. Bad footwear

You should always wear shoes when you're on your roof, not only because it will give you better grip, but it also protects your feet from burning or potentially kicking nails, bolts or any edges sticking out.

Instead of wearing old, worn-out shoes, invest in a high-quality pair of steel-toed boots.


4. Faulty ladders

That old ladder sitting behind the house might look ok, but do you really want to risk your life on an untrustworthy ladder. Hundreds of injuries happen each year from people falling off or injuring themselves on ladders.

Spend a bit of money to get a good quality and sturdy extension ladder to tackle any height. Always make sure you have someone spotting you when you climb up and down a ladder and follow these safety guidelines.


5. Slipping/falling

Just like ladders, there are hundreds of injuries each year from people falling off roofs. Try not to be up there by yourself, go in pairs for extra safety.

If you are on a particularly steep incline, invest in a safety harness. This may not only save your life, but it will give you both hands to work with.



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